Sunday, 9 January 2011

Cambridge Botanical Gardens in Winter

The Botanical Gardens in Cambridge are not large, but they look beautiful, even in winter.  And the glasshouses are (mostly) warm on a cold winter's day.  All pictures taken with Olympus E-3 and 12-60 lens.

Grass reaching for the sun

HDR (mk 2) treatment of gardens

Powder Puff plant

A bookcase set into the glasshouse wall

The vent mechanism in the Alpine House

Wednesday, 5 January 2011

Into the Blue

Today was my first day back at work, for various reasons, and my first flight for 3 weeks.  It was a gorgeous day, with blue sky and little cloud – no sign of the cold front which would arrive in the afternoon bringing a polar maritime air flow . . .

Here is my cockpit as I climb through 2,000 feet at 80 knots heading north.

Clear Ahead